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 Post subject: Epping Trails (map needed)
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:41 pm 
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Posts: 9
Location: Harlow
I was wandring if anybody gps recorded Epping located trails (starting from t hut) ? im going there tomorrow and it would be a grat help.

 Post subject: Re: Epping Trails (map needed)
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:23 am 
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Posts: 3602
Hello mate - we did at one point map out the trails but it proved useless as all the tracks are so tightly woven its impossible to follow them. The best way is just to explore - in summer the tracks are very clean and clear - if your starting at high beech just head south and duck onto the first track you see.. keep taking options heading south and you will soon be putting together a pretty good route on your own. Try and keep to the narrow singletrack - they are always the best trails!

In addition I found the best way to learn the trails was to go out with others (cheers mick the greek from back in the day ) as that allows you to pull it together into a loop.

 Post subject: Re: Epping Trails (map needed)
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:41 pm 
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Posts: 9
Location: Harlow
Today we went north west , later we did go south but only for a short ride before going back home , but still we've managed to find some cool trails :)

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