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 Post subject: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:15 pm 
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Posts: 130
Location: Die Schweiz
Alright guys and girls, bit of an update on life over here.

Work etc going well, having a bit of trouble finding myself a pad, but got a couple of outstanding applications so fingers crossed..

Been pretty busy and when I was free it decided to pi$$ down.. home from home! So only managed to get one ride in so far, just a local one at the nearest high point to Zurich city, bit of biatch of a climb, but there is a dedicated/maintained MTB trail, more like Afan than a DH track, but pretty cool, about 15/20 mins descent.
Obligatory view from the top....


Hopefully will be meeting up with a couple of guys tomorrow eve for a local ride, one seems to run or be involved with some MTB tour company so should be the man for some local knowledge.

No lift assisted riding yet, but will be meeting up with Tom (Beth's) and some other guys in Chamonix for a few days ride next week, really looking forward to that. And can hopefully hook up on some other trips this summer, and get to explore some of the more local resorts soon.

Hope everyone is cool, sounds like i've missed out on some rad sessions .... and I know I'll get flamed for saying that when i'm over here... but nothing beats riding with your buddies hey?!

"It's a cold, miserable day.. but that's what makes us tougher than those boys"

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:58 pm 
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Posts: 3602
Cool update man - looking forward to seeing pics of the stuff u get to ride over the next few months - gunna be an epic summer 4 sure.

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:12 pm 
Posts: 551
Looks like you are in for a great summer. Just have to make some new friends who appreciate thump thump music, kebabs and sh.

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:21 pm 
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Posts: 537
Sounds like you'll have endless riding possibilities over there! Hope you get your place sorted soon.

I used to be a lot like you but now I'm only me

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:42 pm 
Posts: 1147
Location: Chingford
Looks great over there

"Dude, She called you fat.... "OH HELL NO, HOLD MY CAKE"

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:04 pm 
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Posts: 62
Switzer-jealous! Especially when you keep mentioning this local track with its 15-20 minute descent! :)

Hope you get the house sorted soon - are you still planning to get your own place or do you think you might end up with some randoms or some work people?

And how is your car enjoying life over there? Have you succumbed to the idea of getting a van yet? Go on, you know you want to!

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:08 pm 
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Posts: 415
Its all about the camper! bike transport and house in one go!

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:23 pm 
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Posts: 130
Location: Die Schweiz
Cheers guys, still no news on the pad, but still have 2 outstanding applications.

Managed to get an evening ride in this week to the same location, met up with a couple of guys from the UK who are well into their riding and know the local area really well so they took us down some pretty cool unmarked trails.
450m of climbing tho, legs aren't up to this pedalling lark... ski lifts coming soon :D

Beth wrote:
And how is your car enjoying life over there? Have you succumbed to the idea of getting a van yet? Go on, you know you want to!

The car is enjoying a well earned rest at the moment! Day to day I won't use it too much, want it more for weekend jaunts to the mountains, it will be taken on the scenic route sometimes!
Van/Camper ... would be nice, but just got my car set up for 12 months over here, will then look at getting a LHD if it looks like i'm staying after that.. van maybe

"It's a cold, miserable day.. but that's what makes us tougher than those boys"

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:56 pm 
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Posts: 3602
How was the weeks riding in Cham u lucky bugger?

 Post subject: Re: Switzerland
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:27 am 
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Posts: 130
Location: Die Schweiz
Karve wrote:
How was the weeks riding in Cham u lucky bugger?

Terrible, damn hot weather, giving me dodgy tan/burn lines, and all the girls in the town had to take half of their clothes off. There weren't any braking bumps to plough through, and this big snow topped hill called mont blanc kept getting in the way and spoiling the view, then to top if off had to slum it in a chalet that only costs £11,000 a week in the ski season. Rubbish I tell ya! ;)

... i'll get around to sticking a report up soon

"It's a cold, miserable day.. but that's what makes us tougher than those boys"

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