I want to have somewhere within 20 miles, a piece of land that could be built on and kept that way without people knocking it down. Is the only way to get funding from the council? Or sweet talk (and I dont mean sexual favours) a farmer into just giving me a bit of his land?
I dont know if any of you guys remember rampage down at Leigh-on-sea train station, it was the rusty put it that way. But never the less they had a fence around there area, charged like 2 quid to get in, sold pot noodles and stuff. All they had to do was split the money and maintain the ramps.
I dont want another skate park, I want a dirt park or if there's a place with a nice hill make a sweet trail. I would use the grove as it's been there for along time, but people keep vandalising them, I want a fence and a 50. cal machine gun surrounding that area or some place else.
Any idea's? Anyone actually done the work and got council funding?