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 Post subject: Building jumps and trails
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:48 am 
Posts: 10

I want to have somewhere within 20 miles, a piece of land that could be built on and kept that way without people knocking it down. Is the only way to get funding from the council? Or sweet talk (and I dont mean sexual favours) a farmer into just giving me a bit of his land?

I dont know if any of you guys remember rampage down at Leigh-on-sea train station, it was the rusty put it that way. But never the less they had a fence around there area, charged like 2 quid to get in, sold pot noodles and stuff. All they had to do was split the money and maintain the ramps.

I dont want another skate park, I want a dirt park or if there's a place with a nice hill make a sweet trail. I would use the grove as it's been there for along time, but people keep vandalising them, I want a fence and a 50. cal machine gun surrounding that area or some place else.

Any idea's? Anyone actually done the work and got council funding?


 Post subject: Re: Building jumps and trails
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:03 am 
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Posts: 149
Location: Cheshunt
I know this is an old thread but thought I would have some input!

Building trails is a tough one, as most people on here will know if you build trails they don't stay a secret for long.
It's difficult keeping them without being vandalised whilst also finding a suitable place.

Local councils wont often fund something like this due to high risk of injuries as this could be a huge liability to them.
At the same time private land can be just as unreliable, I used to ride some dirt jumps that were on land with permission of the owner, after being there about 8 or so years he decided he didn't want them there any more so got them flattened!
It's now an unused peice of land as before.

Your best bet is to go into a forest rideabout 5 minutes in so your out the way and find an unused peice of land and start there.

-------------------------------------- - SBC

 Post subject: Re: Building jumps and trails
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:37 pm 
Posts: 351
Aye....what he said.
Ive build loads of trails in my time and very few are still there.

The key is to keep them secret. My current set is known by 10-15 people. We have a line of big DJ's, a play line and a trials course.
Im ultra anal. No-one rides there unless Im there, We always go in a different route to make sure no worn path gets created. Its ultra tidy....there isnt dig holes everywhere.....only 2 long shallow ones that are swept and kept looking good after each dig. Any trees we take down get cut up the same day and hidden (not in jumps of course). Rubbish comes wth us. There is no silly hut/camp. No-one shouts. No radios. Basicly, there is no excuse for anyone to complain. All the tools etc come home with us.
None of the people that know of them will tell anyone unless I allow it. We even leave little tell tales to see if anyone else has been there. There is also no pics of them on pinkbike etc. They have no name....just 'The Trails'.
People are stupid with trail names....Kuoni for example....if you find Kuoni (which is a building) you see the trails. google-earth Ridgeway in Dorking and you'll see them.

Yes its ultra mega anal to the max, but for this reason, my trails are sick and in mint condition.

 Post subject: Re: Building jumps and trails
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:09 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 149
Location: Cheshunt
Well said haha.
That's the extent you have to go to as you have to keep trails some times!

-------------------------------------- - SBC

 Post subject: Re: Building jumps and trails
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:26 pm 
Posts: 351
It is.
Ive lost too many good sets due to being un-secretive. Id ask loads of pepole to help, they tell a mate, who tells a mate till you get 54254623 people riding them.
Because you never meet half the people, you cant re-iterate the rules, trails get trashed, people complain about noise etc and they get knocked down.
I thought Id found the idea place a few years back. I started digging and they got going well. 3 lines....a set of 6 jumps in one, a hip line and 3 massive doubles. All was going well till a load of for sale signs turned up. I got rid of them. Next time up there had been a bonfire and loads of beer cans....
I gave up after that. I popped in a few months later and they had all been made into tabletops.
Im glad I gave up when I did. Just not worth carrying on.

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