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 Post subject: Brontrager Rhythm Elite Rims- Rim tape recommendations
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:01 pm 
Posts: 18

Firstly I would like to point out that I have found these rims including the Brontrager Rhythm Duster rims to be the worst culprits for pinch flats and rim tape rim creep. I am on the 2nd Trek mountain bike and these are the standard rims. The fitting of tires make my fingers bleed in winter. I have used all kinds of rim tape from Velox cloth to Ritchey Snap On Rim Strips. I am out of solutions to stop the creeping of this tape even after applying a second layer. My LB had fitted 2 layers of 'tough PVC' tape which has now ripped. If I had the money I would leave these rims on a railway line for a few months before setting fire to them :twisted:

When I have enough money I will purchase some new rims but that will be another post in the distant future....

Any advice would be appreciated.



 Post subject: Re: Brontrager Rhythm Elite Rims- Rim tape recommendations
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:52 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 463
Location: In my shed
You could try a roll of "stan's" rim tape, and layer it up..!!

This ones the same as stan's but cheaper.. ... -prod66624

Stay on target...!!

 Post subject: Re: Brontrager Rhythm Elite Rims- Rim tape recommendations
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:10 pm 
Posts: 18
RedTwo wrote:
You could try a roll of "stan's" rim tape, and layer it up..!!

This ones the same as stan's but cheaper.. ... -prod66624

Thanks RedTwo,

I will look into this. Would I buy the 26mm one's? Or the 28mm?


 Post subject: Re: Brontrager Rhythm Elite Rims- Rim tape recommendations
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:43 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 463
Location: In my shed
Just find out internal rim width of your rims and that will tell you which to use.

Stay on target...!!

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